Our Shepherds
Click on any of the photos to email a shepherd.
Rick Combs
Areas of Responsibility: Audio-Visual / Technology, Building & Grounds, Transportation, Deaf Ministry
Tommy Gore
Areas of Responsibility: Missions, Jail Ministry, Local Evangelism, Bible Class teaching, and Seniors Ministry.
Jerry Kirk
Areas of Responsibility: Local Evangelism, Camps - Preacher Training, Preaching Workshop, Mens & Ladies Ministries, Jail Ministry, Graymere Plan of Service, Worship Assignments, C20’s
Hugh Langley
Areas of Responsiblity: Benevolence, Care Groups, Meals Program, Counseling
Jack Love
Area of Responsibility: Lads to Leaders / Leaderettes, Stewardship, Attendance / Counting
Fred Porter
Areas of Responsibility: Clothes Closet Outreach, Missions, Seniors Ministry, Morning Pointe Sunday Service, Communion Preparation, Sewing Sisters
Dennis Stephen
Areas of Responsibility: Adult Education, Children’s Education, Graymere Kids, Homebuilder’s Class, World Bible School
Rick Whitley
Areas of Responsibility: Building and grounds, Youth/ teens, visitation groups, security, and disaster relief
Doug Williams
Areas of Responsibility: Jail ministry, Clothes closet