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Andrew Phillips


Andrew’s primary responsibilities are preaching and teaching. He preaches twice a week, teaches two Bible classes, and he loves the opportunity to study God’s Word with others. He is available to conduct weddings and funerals, as well as pre-marital counseling.

Other responsibilities include working with the weekly bulletin, participating in and encouraging the various ministries at Graymere, and working with the other ministers in long-term congregational planning.

Andrew grew up in the Memphis, TN area, where he graduated High School  from Harding Academy. He attended Freed-Hardeman University, and he has received an M.A. and Master of Divinity from Harding School of Theology. He is currently a candidate for a PhD in Communication at Regent University. Before coming to Graymere, he served as Education Minister for the Mount Juliet Church of Christ in Mount Juliet, TN, and then he preached for the Crittenden Drive Church of Christ in Russellville, KY.

He and his wife Kathryn, a native of Lebanon, TN, have two sons: Luke and Micah. Kathryn taught elementary school for Goodpasture Christian School while in the Nashville area. Andrew began working with the Graymere Church of Christ in June of 2011, and he and Kathryn feel tremendously blessed to be part of this congregation!

Jon David Schwartz


JD’s responsibilities are to plan and coordinate enjoyable and spiritually uplifting activities for Graymere's youth group of awesome teens - 6th-12th grades - along with their parents.

His goal in whatever he plans is to strengthen the faith of our teens, while empowering their parents to be the most significant spiritual influence in their teens’ lives.

JD grew up in Jackson, TN, and his parents now live on the family farm in Henderson, TN - this is where he calls home.

He loves spending time in nature hunting and fishing, and he’s extremely competitive (though not always talented) in the areas of athletics. JD graduated from Freed-Hardeman University in 2002 with a B.A. in Bible, and again in 2007 with a Masters in Ministry. He has worked as a full-time youth minister since 2002 with the Pulaski St. (Lawrenceburg, 2002-2005) and Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, 2005-2016) congregations. He is married to Amy Lynn (Porter) Schwartz, who grew up with us at Graymere. They have two amazing children - Abigail Lynn and Lane David. Amy Lynn has both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Freed-Hardeman in education. Right now, she’s the best stay-at-home wife and mother JD, Abigail, and Lane could ask for.

Jonathan Winchester


Jonathan’s areas of service with the Graymere congregation are missions and evangelism.

In the missions program, Jonathan organizes and coordinates our involvement in multiple foreign and domestic mission points. Jonathan visits the mission works, as well as organizes mission campaigns to these locations. The Missions Ministry at Graymere actively conducts evangelistic campaigns, VBS trips, medical mission trips, and Future Ministers Camps.

In local evangelism, Jonathan works to reach out to our community with the Gospel. He works in conjunction with the many benevolent, outreach, and children's programs in order to provide Bible teaching to all who are interested. He also serves alongside a very active membership in welcoming new church members to Graymere and guiding them to also become actively involved in teaching and reaching out to others.

Jonathan grew up at Graymere and possesses great respect for this congregation. He graduated from Columbia Academy in 1999; earned a BA in Management from Lipscomb University in 2003; and earned the Master of Ministry at Freed-Hardeman University in 2014.

Jack Malone


Jack and Mary Alice came to Graymere from West Memphis Ar. about 5 years ago.  They were members of the Missouri Street Church of Christ where Jack served as an Elder for 15 years. Mary Alice is a teacher at Highland Park Elementary here in Columbia.

As  Senior Adult Minister Jack provides a monthly newsletter and calendar with listings of all birthdays and anniversaries and activities of our Senior group.

Numerous trips, luncheons, devotionals and many other activities are offered to encourage our Seniors to stay active and to feel special.

Jack also has responsibility for Church grounds and the outside facilities. This includes Graymere Hall, Youth Activity Center, Counseling Center, and Hospitality House.

Chad Landman


Chad serves as Education Minister with his main responsibilities being the Bible School Program from Pre-K to Adult, our annual Vacation Bible School, overseeing our Tuesday-Thursday School, designing graphics for layouts and publications for the church, managing our website, and filming and editing any videos we produce.

Chad and his wife Bonnie were married in 2008 and both went to Freed-Hardeman University where Chad earned Bachleor’s Degrees in both Ministry and Media. They have three boys: Jacob, David, and Micah.