Services Set to Resume on May 31
As you may have already read in our e-mail announcements, May 31st will be the first Sunday we resume meeting at the building with a Sunday morning worship service. Here are a few things to remember:
Our building use will remain as it has been over the last few weeks, with no events on our property until May 31st. While we will have worship on May 31st, we will not have Bible classes, Sunday evening worship, or Wednesday night classes in May.
As stated in the announcement, our elders understand and encourage each member to do what is best for them. If you are in a high-risk category or do not feel comfortable being out, please continue to do what is best for you and your family. Our on-line options will still be available for you to worship at home.
There will have to be some modifications to our usual worship schedule to allow for distancing practices. We will provide updates on exactly what that will look like as the time gets closer.
Let's keep praying for and checking on each other. We are all in this together, even when we are physically apart!