Bible Classes Set to Resume on Sept 13

Ever since all this started, the ministers and elders have been thinking about ways we can get back to Bible Class. On September 13, we are going to attempt to do that. We believe this is incredibly important, and a big step towards getting back to normal. We will of course monitor how it goes with schools reopening and make appropriate decisions if we need to.

We have a plan next month to start modified Bible classes for all ages in various parts of the building. We will need lots of help for this, so if you would like to help, please message me or comment below. We've already been in touch with several potential teachers already, and will need a lot of helpers for this as well. Our Pre-K will be assembling in the Fellowship Hall, specifically FR-1, 2 and 3. This will close off the main fellowship hall and keep it open for overflow at Worship services. We plan to go back to a 9AM worship and 10:15 Bible Class, just like before this all started. Our Pre-K will take part in songs a lot like they do now with our 9:15 Outdoor Classroom singing right now led by Andrew, and then have a short lesson or activity taught by a rotation of teachers. We are asking that all kids 4 years old and below are accompanied by a parent.

Our Elementary classes will be split with 1st & 2nd Grades in the Homebuilders Classroom upstairs, and our 3-5th grades in the Small Auditorium. Our 6th grade Youth Group Transitions class will be meeting in the Service Station class upstairs. Our 7th-12th graders will meet in the YAC.

That leaves our Adult Bible Class, and because of space we will only have one Adult Bible class in the Main Auditorium. But we are in for a treat because that class will be taught by several different men of the congregation. Our focus is to get our kids back in class, and we hope that soon we will be able to get back to our regular classrooms and resume adult Bible classes in their normal rooms.

We will continue to observe social distancing in all of our classes. We also ask that if you are sick to please not send your child to class.

To coincide with Bible classes reconvening, we have come up with a 20-week curriculum that will hopefully allow us to get through this and get back to normal Bible classes in 2021. The theme across the board in our classes will be "A Picture of God's People," focusing on knowing God, trusting God, and exploring topics like teamwork, devotion, and selflessness.

Of course there's questions, and we will be happy to try to answer all of them for you. Please email me if you would like to know more or ask any questions. It is our hope that this will be an interim step to returning back to normal with how we worship and go to Bible class. And most of all, we thank you for your support and help during this time. For more information, list of topics and classes, please head to This webpage will be the center all all info on our efforts to get back to Bible class.

Again, we appreciate you all so much. We know that this has not been easy, and we're probably in for several more tough months. We appreciate you willingness to help and your flexibility to adapt. Thank you so much, and we look forward to seeing you in Bible class on September 13th!

Chad Landman